
Halftone eye for collage

Why comms in context is key to capturing attention

In the bustling world of marketing, capturing audience ​attention is the holy grail.

But it's not as simple as it sounds. We've all heard the myths. ​That our attention spans are less than that of a goldfish. That ​we're bombarded with over 10,000 ads a day.

But how much truth is there in these claims?

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Let's start with the goldfish myth. It's a catchy claim, isn't it?

But here's the thing: it's not exactly true. It's whats known as made up marketing bullsh*t. It made a great headline back in 2015 and still gets rolled at conferences today. Scientific evidence doesn't back this claim. Our attention spans aren't shrinking. We're just becoming more selective about what we focus on.

In a world filled with information and distractions, this selectivity is a survival mechanism and way to conserve our energy for things we want to do - like binge watch. So, next time you hear about the goldfish myth, take it with a grain of salt.

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Another big figure...

We also get bombarded with over 10,000* ads a day

thats a hell of a lot of ads.

(*supposedly; again, according to the internet and some people who made up the figure to make a wider point)

So, while it's true that we're bombarded with ads daily, the 10,000 figure is more marketing numberwang than a reality.

But again, this is an exaggeration. The actual number varies greatly among individuals.

It depends on factors like

lifestyle, media consumption

habits, and even the city

you live in.

In reality

We are smarter and more attentive than we think...

...And we are really well ​trained to filter out and avoid ​unwelcome or unneeded ​information like ads

Still paying attention?

Attention is

context dependent

Context is the crucial factor in capturing audience attention.

Because the context in which a message is delivered or consumed can make or break its effectiveness.

Attention can be fleeting.

Or also very long!

Some activities are better at sustaining attention.

level of focus needed

A weekly shop


TV viewing

Box-set bingeing

Doomscrolling on social media

attention length

To capture and keep someones attention, your comms need to work smarter to break through the clutter...





The context

Colorful Lego Pieces 3D Textured Building Blocks

Engaging in the ​moment

Attention grabbing ​comms

We help brands find the right creative ​ingredients to standout and draw the eye - ​using contrast, movement, distinctive brand ​assets, and drawing on different and ​disruptive images.

But attention grabbing comms need to be ​used sparingly - have a genuine purpose and ​engage with something relevant. Otherwise ​distraction and disruption can be dangerous ​for a brand if you distract people from other ​tasks, stopping to make them think. And as ​everyones favourite Dragon’s Den investor ​Deborah Meaden once said “The number 1 ​thing you don’t want is your customers to ​think, because when they have to think, they’ll ​think themselves out of a decision

Attention without engagement can ​just be a distraction. Any comms ​need to engage through relevant ​messaging, dialling up emotions and ​finding interactive or creative ways ​to deliver stories or info. We help ​capture the most relevant messages ​at the point of the customer journey, ​and how to maximise the storytelling ​potential.

Context, context, context

The impact of marcomms is all context dependent. The ​individual missions and mindsets, level of concentration and ​focus, personality profiles, or wider environmental factors will all ​impact on the potential of marcomms to cut through and ​engage. By understanding how context affects the ability to ​capture attention and engagement we can inform smarter ​marketing strategies.

It’s a balancing act of key creative ingredients to capture and sustain attention

Monarch butterfly isolated cutout

The 3 D’s

When to

be different, distinctive or disruptive

Dialling up differences to competitors or the established category norms, the distinctive brand assets, or doing something unique or truly unexpected

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A well-crafted narrative will capture attention and make something more memorable

Crafting memorable narratives

Making sense

Tapping into the senses to stimulate emotions and drive engagement through techniques such as interaction or gamification

Engaging the senses

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Sound wave

not business as usual

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