


Why Understanding Category Entry Points can give you the edge over your competition

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In the cutthroat world of branding, knowing your customer is king. But knowing your customer goes beyond demographics and attitudes. Knowing them means understanding their realities; their context; their lives and needs…

In that sense, it’s really context that is king. By understanding the consumer context brands can speak the right language, be there with the right products, at the right time and be truly relevant in the lives of their customers.

Enter the world of Category Entry Points...

Yellow Hatchback Car
Blank Coffee Cup



Category Entry Points is a way to explore and understand this context amongst potential customers. Allowing you to identify the specific triggers, moments and context that prompt consumers to think about, consider, and ultimately buy a product or brand. It’s the what, where, why and who of your category.

Going beyond personas, it reflects the multiple me’s of life.

Let’s for instance imagine Emma. She is health conscious and tries to make healthy food choices. This means in your segmentation she is coded as a ‘Health enthusiast’ and is out of scope for your range of chocolate snacks (or targeted with the healthy low fat option).

Little do you know, Emma cheats. In fact, she has a specific cheat day which helps her stick to a healthy lifestyle the other 6 days a week. At the same time, she rejects low fat options, believing they are actually less healthy than the full fat option. So, what does this mean for your strategy?

By understanding the context of the moment and the persona, we can be more effective in meeting consumer needs and relating to them in any marcomms.

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The benefits

Understanding the CEPs means you can be there when your customers need you most…


Win increased share of mind

Growing association with the moments that matter will make a brand more top of mind when consumers are in them


Tailored marketing strategies

Land the right contextual messages at the times when people are thinking about the category and the need


Improve the customer journey

Optimise the mix of products and services dependent to the occasions and category entry points - making it easier for customers to find what they need


NPD and product portfolio optimisation

Innovate and develop the product and service portfolios based on the category needs


Let’s take some examples of how understanding your category entry points can drive brand growth...


the biscuit...

For instance, imagine a well known maker of digestive biscuits discover that a top entry point for biscuits is homemade cheesecake (as opposed to relaxing with a cuppa)

Being synonymous with this moment can help ensure that those tasty branded digestives are top of mind for every cheesecake moment.


Facilitating festival fun

For example, an outdoor gear brand identifies a key CEP as "first time festival goer."

Their website can now feature a “Festival Camping Checklist,” supporting festival goers to find everything they need (including biscuits), while increasing basket size in the process.

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Identify and maximise

revenue streams

Imagine a food delivery company identifies that an underserved entry point is quick and healthy meals for lunch?

Through identifying the entry point the brand can seek out new partnerships to cater to the moment, communicate availablity, and target a new moment outside of Friday night Chinese.


Informing NPD

Imagine a probiotics brand which identifies that fitness focused consumers are using probiotics to help them with their fitness goals. They are using multiple food supplements each morning -

ensuring they have protein

as well as probiotics.

Cue new combination

products such as whey

protein + probiotics

(biscuits optional)

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Where we can help

We identify the right category entry points and demand spaces to drive growth

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Through qualitative ethnography, shop-alongs and web-surfs we can understand the who, what, where and why of your category. Mapping and segmenting this into Demand Spaces, we can help you strategically target different moment.

  1. Identify the CEPs and the context

Quantitative sizing and modelling ·to identify priority spaces, your brand’s existing share of the moment, and strategies to grow brand association via comms, NPD and CX.

2. Mapping and sizing

3. 360 Segmentations

and strategy development


Enhance your segmentation with a demand space overlay to target the right people in the right moments; building on the ‘who’ with the ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘why’.

Demand Spaces

Biscuit bakers

Category needs

(the ‘why’ people buy)

Align strategies and products based on what is relevant, meaningful and motivating

The context and occasions

(what, where and when)

Maximise efforts by focusing on the right audiences where demand is highest

The buyers

(the ‘who’)

Behaviour is occasion and context dependent having a big impact on in the moment choices

Watercolor Cheesecake Illustration


Midnight munchies

biscuit bakers


Hosting a houseful

Kids meltdown


office tea break

Tea & bisuit


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Example strategies to explore

Hosting a houseful

Midnight snacks

  • The ultimate cheesecake social campaign: mixing ads and influencer campaigns to challenge people to showcase their best (or the worse)
  • The shopper activation; retail partnership mixing together all the ingredients in one place
  • The recipe ideas on the pack
  • The partnership with the finest cheesecake brand to make the base with your biscuit

Everday dunkers

Office tea breaks


Segment 1:

The Busy Professional’

Want to unlock new category growth?

or just fancy a cuppa and a biscuit?

Give us a shout at

(C) Disrupt Insight 2024