Realistic pink cloud.
Rose Flower 3D Valentine Pink



Helping brands maximise the conversion ​potential of retail and shopper marcomms


Our senior team of insight experts have been ​trusted insight partner to some of the giants ​of retail over the years.

Our sweet spot is in understanding shopper ​journeys across omni-channel touch points. ​We identify ways to improve conversion, ​enhance experiences and drive shopper ​innovation.




Realistic pink cloud.
Realistic pink cloud.
light effects.

Retail is a playground of ​possibilities to inspire and ​bring some magic and joy

Retailers & brands can bring moments of joy and delight ​to customers across the purchase cycle to keep them ​coming back for more; but in a world impacted by cost of ​living, inflation, ripflation, changing trends and tighter ​budgets, brands need to be smarter on where to do the ​basics and where to dial up the magic

Credit Card

Retailers miss many ​opportunities to convert

Often opportunities are missed just by not being associated ​with the right mix of category entry points / shopper needs. ​Shoppers may not be aware of the full range of relevant ​products, or the perceived effort to buy becomes greater ​than the desire. Making it easier to buy and better framing of ​products can deliver quick wins

Mirror disco ball isolated object. Brilliant decoration, silver decor.
Realistic pink cloud.

Great retail stems from ​sensory activation

From the tactile power of touch when handling products or ​interacting, the smells and sounds in a store, or a smile from a ​staff member - dialling up sensory experiences unlocks the ​emotions that can turn a forgettable experience into a feel ​good moment customers will come back for

The right kind of disruption

Most shoppers wont want to be distracted from their ​mission without good reason - designing the right purchase ​journeys means ensuring shoppers can find what they need, ​and any disruptions are managed and relevant to open up ​new selling opportunities


The real ROI of ​Retail expertiential

Any investment in retail experiential can be hard to prove in the ​wider eco-system so can be quick to be cut or doesn’t always ​get the business focus it should. By understanding the impact of ​investment in isolation and as whole across the experience then ​the right retail investment can be prioritised.




WE solve...

Stores of the ​future ROI

Finding the right mix of ​retail ingredients to ‘wow’ ​and inspire customers and ​deliver commercial impact; ​making it easier for ​customers to find what ​they need and buy. We ​measure the potential of ​new concepts and the ​impact of retail ​experiences on conversion ​and brand perceptions.

Product & ​range ​optimisation

Mapping the optimum ​scenarios for products in ​the range and pricing. ​Identifying how best to ​frame product benefits ​and the nudges around ​price promos / exclusives.

Barcode Label Sticker
White Cloud Cutout

New retail ​concepts

Identifying future potential ​and sizing the impact of ​retail innovation based ​what customers want and ​need, and changing ​expectations from ​retailers and brands

Shopper ​profiling

Understanding shoppers; ​their needs, missions ​occasions and the ​contextual influences to ​inform key profiles and ​segments for targeting

Disrupting ​the shopper ​journeys

Mapping the longitudinal ​shopper journeys from ​trigger to purchase and ​beyond. Identifying the ​real influences that ​shape different shopper ​missions and occasions ​to identify opportunities ​to disrupt or enhance ​journeys.

Shopper ​marketing ​playbooks

Identifying the role of ​shopper marketing and ​retail POS materials to ​drive attention and ​engagement to enhance ​the shopper journey and ​driver consideration and ​ourchase.

Barriers to ​conversion

Tactical deep dives to go ​beyond claimed barrier ​and identify the real ​problems and solutions ​based on shopper ​behaviours and needs.

Category ​Entry Points

Mapping the different ​routes into categories and ​the mental shortcuts to ​category engagement

Blank Coffee Cup
Realistic pink cloud.
curve shape

Our toolkit for success

Putting insight into the ​shopper marketing mix

Our shopper and marcomms toolkit is designed to make optimising the customer journey that little bit better. Finding the right marcomms that can influence and drive conversion when it matters. We draw on tried and tested qual and quant approaches and supplement with the latest technology and innovation to get a richer understanding of shoppers and marcomms.

Measuring Attention

Eye tracking and shopper recall

Implicit Impact

Capturing impact at subconscious level with reaction time responses or neuro measurement tools

eye tracking

Our traditional shopper toolkit

Online Survey Isometric Illustration
Qualitative Research Icon

Innovative methods

Green 3D Fluffy Symbol Plus

Behavioural tracking

Capturing real world behaviours either tracked or observed. Utisiling digital passive data, wider search data, or diary studies over time.

bot chat assistant tech ai icon

Quant shopper surveys

Qual exploration

Simulated test environments

The ‘why’ with Disrupt


in the moment, ​ethnography or ​across the ​shopper journey

In the moment or across the shopper journey

AR/VR simulated store environments or replicated e-comm sites to capture how shoppers naviagate and interact with products and POSM

AI assisted smart probing of responses to get richer, more considered answers

curve shape


Over the years we’ve covered all types of shopper studies. Here just a few ​of the many examples of the project types our team have delivered

Watching paint dry...

literally. When looking to understand the ​shopper journeys around paint purchasing ​we accompanied shoppers across the ​journey to understand how the initial ​triggers and needs informed the different ​shopper missions, then how they navigated ​the choices at their local DIY store and the ​final application to the walls.

The long and short ​of buying consumer ​electronics

Blank Price Label Isolated

In the world of consumer ​electronics customer journeys can ​be influenced by many factors. ​We’ve tracked complete purchase ​journeys over time to map the ​touch points and influences that ​impact on purchase decisions

The impact of retail ​eperiential and comms

We’ve been measuring the impact of ​different store elements and in-store ​experiential for leading retailers to map ​the retail ROI and inform store of the ​future rollout; identifying what store ​ingredients work to capture attention ​and drive interaction and how these ​ultimately ladder up to increased brand ​perceptions, satisfaction, purchase and ​repeat visiting

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Pop-up potential

Measuring the impact of pop-up ​experiences and ways to optimise ​the experiences to drive conversion, ​brand impact and provide a key link ​to the wider brand eco-systems

Limited Edition Badge

Exclusive potential

Identifying how different types of ​product exclusives, and the framing / ​positioning vs the wider range or other ​competitors impacted choice across ​different retailers and channels. Our ​work has shaped product exclusives ​and personalised opportunities for ​premium brands across the globe

Want to learn more ​about our shopper ​thinking and solutions?

Give us a shout at


(C) Disrupt Insight 2024

Blank Coffee Cup