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Our thoughts on how to deliver great brand experiences that will help you stand out and be distinctive in world of drabness

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The world can be a pretty depressing place at times...

Inflation, ripflation, shrinkflation, enshittification (and we’re not even going to mention politics!). Studies have shown Brits and Western nations are some of least happy people in the world as we deal with constant stress and anxiety.

Angry Man Sitting
shape wave

And yet, when people feel good the endorphins kick in and they remember those moments. So why aren’t more brands looking to bring more magic and joy into what they do?

Are brands also depressed?

Given cost pressures and constraints businesses face at the moment, it can be commercially difficult to justify investing in the magic and immersive potential of experiential without a clear ROI. With so much potential to bring some joy to customers, are you doing enough?

The potential of brand experiential is endless...

Memory makers

Customers won’t remember everything about an experience but they’ll remember how ​you made them feel at key points - so if you can make experiences more magical it will ​increase the number of moments that matter and the positive subconscious brand ​associations.

True brand differentiation

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In a world where many categories are increasingly homogenised and samey, delivering ​genuine moments of joy and delight across the customer journey can differentiate and make ​your brand more distinctive and disruptive in the mind of your target audience.


The sheer act of giving can often be returned as customers will return the gesture with their loyalty

Wand Spell Magic

Across all of your brand touch points, staff and products it is a playground of possibilities to bring some magic and joy...

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We can’t necessarily fix the British weather and all the crap stuff in the world.

But brands can do their bit to make the world more joyous and magical.


So what can you do to bring ​the magic and joy?

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The starting point

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Get the basics right

Magic without the foundations will look like a ​cheap trick (if you need proof check out the ​Willy Wonka experience in Glasgow). Before ​you try and exceed expectations you need to ​land the basics around customer service, ​products and wider experiences.

Creating the small moments of joy

The everyday magic to differentiate

Finding ways to bring a little bit of magic to everyday tasks or communications


A more inclusive experience for all ages

Not every brand can pull off a life size bear like Hamley’s but simple things like child sized trolleys at supermarkets can add a bit of fun to a very functional retail experience.


Writing like a human

Using a playful tone across your brand comms to deliver serious messages in a down to earth way


The gift of Cadbury chocolate


Taking the pastiche

Having a humorous outlook on the category to tackle the category norms

The ultimate tasty Secret Santa courtesy of Cadbury

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A step above

A sensory hands-on experience

Use your physical spaces to truly immerse customers in the world of your brand, embracing all of the senses for more memorable brand activation.


Immense immersion the LEGO way

Immersive 3D models and hands-on play within a store


Penhaligon’s flights of fantasy


Using pop-up spaces in airports to take passengers on a sensory flight of fantasy Penhaligon’s style

Source: Puig/Penhaligon’s Dubai Duty Free

Disruptive tech

Use technology for ​maximum impact


Visual retail displays with impact

Louis Vuitton know how to turn a store front into the ultimate digital display to capture attention

Using the latest technology and AI to create truly unique experiences to capture attention, or provide the ultimate in personalisation.


Embracing digital worlds

A digital fantastical shopping center, filled with avatars, immersive environments, oh and popular items you’d typically find at a Walmart


Taking tech to the next level

How to make a cup of

tea more exciting?

Tough right as tea is perfect as it is. Yet the smart team at TeamLabs developed a blooming tea drink that constantly brings to life the petals inside thanks to the magic of AI.

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Where we can help
Putting an ROI on magic

Exploring where there is potential to sprinkle some magic across the customer journey and different brand touch points...



Map category experiences vs expectations

Where are the white spaces to add the magic

Identify and refine potential solutions to bring the magic

Idea testing and qualitative co-creation

Optimum mix of experiential


Determining the impact of different combinations of experiences

Measuring the impact of customer experiences to prove the long-term value on brand and behaviours



CSat Experience measurement

Measuring reactions vs expectations at different points of the customer journey

ROI modelling

Analytics to link together the mix of experiences and wider impact on sales, spend, consideration and brand perceptions

“There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you’ll be free if you truly wish to be”

Willy Wonka

Unlock the magic for ​your brand

Learn more about how our disruptive thinking can help your business challenges..